Saturday, December 3, 2011

In your last blog entry, reflect on the ways in which this course has changed or expanded your view of contemporary art.


  1. One way in which this course has expanded my view of contemporary art is by showing me the multitude of different artists currently making art. It's all well and good to talk about the diversity of art in today's art world and how varied the styles and techniques and type of art are out there. But when you really actually dig in and research contemporary artists, it's pretty intense. When you learn about current eras of art making (or when you learn about any time period, really) people always attempt to sum everything up and put it into a neat little category. During this period of time people were making art like this and it was a result of that and it meant this and so on. However, learning about something when it is currently happening is a little different. It also might have to do with the time we live in itself, but whatever the reason, the here and now is pretty hard to define. Artists are doing formalistic works, they are doing expressionist works, they are doing conceptual works and they are doing works that is highly technical and expertly crafted. This class really opened my eyes to that. What was also really enlightening about the class was the introduction of theory concerning the early stages of art (Aristotle and Plato and so on) and its progression through the ages and how the past theories influence the new theories or if they even do. It is pretty hard to learn about the present without having some knowledge of what came before and so, even though this is a contemporary class, I think it's nice that we got a brief foundation of what the past held. This class was also nice because there isn't a specific right or wrong answer to anything we discussed (except when it comes to names of artists, artworks, theorists and theories, I suppose). It's all opinion. It's all empty space waiting to be filled. You just have to be informed enough to attempt to fill it.

  2. After taking this course I am able to connect theory to contemporary art. I feel that this is important because applying theory makes art more meaningful. It is important to for contemporary art to be meaningful because understanding contemporary art can influence one's own work. I know also have more knowledge about people making work today. I have become really interested in the work of Mark Bradford, Keke smith, and Tim Hawkinson. After taking this course I feel that I am better prepared to venture into the contemporary art world.

  3. I have learnt about the multitude of styles taking place around the world. I have learnt no longer is one city or country dominating the art scene but finally art from around the world is equally important and influential. I have grown an appreciation for a lot of different types of art after better understanding the artist’s goal and the theories behind the work. I understand the importance of philosophy in the art world today and how a good grasp of the philosophy can completely transform its value. I have learnt to take my time at looking at art before I come to my own opinion. Many contemporary works need deep contemplation for the viewer to really appreciate the work. Also, I have discovered some new styles and techniques contemporary artists are using that I find very inspiring.

  4. This class has expanded my knowledge of contemporary art to a high degree because although I was educated on specific contemporary artists, seeing a large amount of them all in comparison to each other I realized that there is a clear and trend occurring. Artists are not dependent of each other; they feed on other ideas and thrive on what the world is interested in or a common feeling among people. This is also made me realize that all forms of art are connected because they all speak to what people need. This class has not only made me understand connections between all the art we have seen but also then thinking about music, dance, and styles and fads of the time and how everything is interlocked. This class has served to connect many classes and knowledge of artistic expression that I have cultivated.

  5. This class has introduced me to a whole new way of how I look at and appreciate art. I am able to connect theories to certain artists by looking at their art and the hidden meaning that they have crammed into their work. I can now go to a museum and be able to study an art work and draw conclusions about the movement they are associated with and the theory. This class also forced me to be able to write about my thoughts of the materials we went over; then take what I wrote and express myself visually through our visual journal. I have learned the importance of philosophy and how it affects the way artists create their art and how I should be creating my own art.

  6. This course has opened my mind to entirely new ways of looking at and interpreting art. I am much more aware of artist’s intent, their use of space, materials, and location. Through the study of different creative lenses and philosophers of aesthetics, I can analyze art in an entirely new and innovative way. I have a much greater appreciation for contemporary artists and their work. I used to think of certain artworks as primitive, or “something a child could do”, but now I realize that there is much more to art than simply the form, unless of course its a formalist piece. This course has been a positive learning experience for me, and has expanded my knowledge and appreciation of all forms of art.

  7. Before this class I really did not have any appreciation for art that was more content based than aesthetic based. The class gave me a better understanding of my stepmom's work content-based work. I also have a greater understanding for formalism because of my paper. This is important to me because I really did not have an open mind to different types of art before. Once understood though, these arts are actually quite intriguing

  8. This course has given me a lot of new insight about art and a lot of different ways to look at art. Also, something very important is that it has explained to me why some pieces of art, that I usually would doubt, are actually supported by theory and interpretation and thus can be put under the umbrella of art. Moreover, even though I might not remember every single artist that we learnt about, I feel that I have come to know a lot more than I did before and that is helpful for an artist, in order to get sources of inspiration and examples. Before, I did not know that art was supported by so many theories and different era's. However, now I believe that I have a good general and specific in some areas, overview of the art world.

  9. This course has helped me expand my knowledge of the way artist create and come up with their ideas to make art. I had only a vague notion of these ideas before this class and now I feel like I have the tools to do my own reading and discovery and further grasp these ideas to make me think about my own art in new conceptual ways. I enjoyed seeing how the ideas have flowed and evolved from one to another through out the ages to get us to contemporary art that is being made today. I really enjoyed the Art 21 videos. I had seen them before but watching them in class made me pay attention to amazing artist that I would not have known prior to this. I plan to continue learning and discovering new ideas and artist that use these ideas in their art.

  10. This course helped me be able to put into words that which I think every artist subconsciously recognizes. It taught me a lot about theories, and therefore where certain ideas about art originated. I have always had a hard time with theory as a part of me has always felt as if theory is all about trying to put art into a box that it doesn't need to be in, though through this course I found out that theorists liberated art as well (such as Nochlin who wrote to have women artists justified). Now when I meet someone who only appreciates modern art, I can blame Greenberg. Similarly, when I meet someone who doesn't think art takes any real sort of talent or work, I can trace that mentality all the way back to the time of Plato. I think learning about these theorists will really help me better understand the messages I choose to put out into the world through my own work.
